Went to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center on Sunday, because we figured if the apocalypse hadn't happened, we were gonna need a Flower Photo for 2011, and there weren't any other flowers elsewhere.
Here's the highlights.
The Official Flower Photo of 2011 … despite a lack of flowers.
Getting the older boy to hold the younger boy was a challenge. Getting both to look in the direction of the camera at the same time was much, much harder.
"I love this post."
If the younger boy had been making a sweet expression in this photo,
I would have argued for it. Just a half-second away from perfection.
All I can see is a giant hand.
We've reached the high point of cooperation. It's all downhill from there.
Did I mention it was hot?
Don't look, baby brother. It's much too horrible.
The older boy is starting to lose it.
Definitely lost it.
OK. I think we're all done with the flower photo business.
Have a good Wednesday, everybody.
Your kids are absolute adorable!
Posted by: Mom of Toddlers | January 04, 2012 at 07:03 PM